Dungeons and Dragons – It’s True, Teenage Me.

Last year I was invited to participate as a player in the Misscliks Dungeons and Dragons Twitch stream of Tomb of Annihilation. I’m normally pretty hesitant to be involved in D&D as a player. I rarely take that role anymore, and to be honest, I find it less enjoyable than being the man behind the story. The vile master inflicting my narrative on poor, unsuspecting player characters.

I stumbled my way through it as King, a half-orc ranger, beast hunter type. He was pretty lame, if I’m being honest. But, I had fun and I really enjoyed having the chance to kill him when, in Season 2, I took over the reins of the story and DM’d 10 episodes.

I only wish I could go back to my teenage self and tell him that at some point in the future, he’ll be paid to run D&D.

Here’s the link to the first episode that I ran. There are 9 more if you enjoy the first.